
The AdapTable Dashboard enables quick & easy access to core AdapTable functionality.

It is designed to be extremely flexible and configurable, able to meet all user requirements.

The Dashboard contains buttons, dropdowns, info panels and custom widgets.

It also offers Tabs functionality.

A simple dashboard example

The dashboard here is configured to contain 2 widgets, in the top section.

The first one is the dashboard module widget - when clicked, it opens the Settings Panel for the dashboard module. If you click this button, you can edit the Dashboard configuration.

The second one is the view module widget - it contains a button to open the Settings Panel for the view module and also a dropdown to select the current view.

Dashboard Locations

The AdapTable Dashboard consists of 4 separate areas surrounding the DataGrid: top left right and bottom.


  • This is a very different approach to AdapTable for AG Grid which has a single Dashboard typically placed above the Grid
  • AdapTable for AG Grid's separate Status Bar and Tool Panel are part of a single integrated Dashboard in AdapTable for Infinite

Each Location renders Widgets differently based on its position and the widget type.


  • Typically top and bottom show Widgets contents in full, and render text horizontally
  • By contrast left and right often show Buttons instead of controls, and render text vertically

Dashboard Bar and Tab Drawer

Each Dashboard Location has 2 parts:

  • Dashboard Bar - a strip of small widgets (e.g. Buttons, Dropdowns and Text) which is always visible
  • Tab Drawer - a separate section which is rendered when a Tab is opened, displaying the Widgets it contains


  • Each drawer can be hidden / shown by clicking the Tab's title
  • The size of the Drawer can be changed by dragging the sides

Dashboard Widgets

The building blocks of the AdapTable Dashboard UI are widgets.

Widgets are, essentially, small components that can render almost anything, and they can be:

  • System Widgets - shipped with AdapTable and available for immediate use
  • Custom Widgets - defined and provided by developers


  • Run-time users, if correctly permissioned, can configure the Dashboard to meet their requirements
  • However they cannot create new widgets

System Widgets

System Widgets are provided by AdapTable and ship with the product.

They can be conceptually divided into 2 groups:

  • Module Specific (e.g. change the Theme, run Quick Search, select a View)


    • All AdapTable Modules have a corresponding Dashboard Widget which provides Module-specific behaviour
    • Some facilitate specific grid actions while others simply contain a button to the relevant section in the Settings Panel
  • General Purpose (e.g. Row Count, Application Name)

Each System Widget will render differently, based on its type, and also the location in which it is placed.

The full list of System Widgets - and associated rendering behaviours - is as follows:

WidgetTop BarBottom BarLeft BarRight BarIn a Tab
Application NameHorizontal TextHorizontal TextVertical TextVertical TextN/A
Row CountHorizontal TextHorizontal TextVertical TextVertical TextN/A
Quick SearchSearch InputSearch InputSettings ButtonSettings ButtonSearch Input
Styled CellsSettings ButtonSettings ButtonSettings ButtonSettings ButtonSettings Button
ViewViews SelectorViews SelectorViews SelectorViews SelectorViews Selector
Column ChooserButtonButtonButtonButtonChooser
Cell SummarySummary valueSummary valueSummary valueSummary valueSummary value
Deep Dive

System Widget Directory


The tabs Widget is a special control used in a similar way to the Microsoft Office ribbon.

A Tabs widget can contain any number of Tabs, each of which can include any number of widgets.


  • There can be only one Tab Widget in each Dashboard section
  • Only one Tab within the Tabs Widget can be open at any time (set using the openTabName prop)

The name of each Tab in the Tabs Widget appears in a Dashboard Bar

When the name is clicked, the Tab opens (or closes) and its contents widgets are rendered in a Tab Drawer.

Using Dashboard tabs inside a ribbon
 id: 'ribbon',
 type: 'ribbon',
 value: {
    openTabName: 'App',
    tabs: [
        name: 'App',
        widgets: [{ id: 'view-widget', type: 'view'}, { id: 'theme-widget', type: 'theme' }]
        name: 'Actions',
        widgets: [{ id: 'export-widget', type: 'export'}]
Dashboard example with tabs


The button Widget displays the very flexible and configurable AdapTable Button.


The Dashboard renders Buttons horizontally in top and bottom locations and vertically for left and right

Custom Dashboard Buttons

This demo is configured with 2 buttons in each of the 4 locations.

Info Text

The info Widget simply displays custom text that was defined by Developers.


The Dashboard renders Info Text horizontally in top and bottom locations and vertically for left and right

Custom Dashboard Info

Custom Widgets

These can be defined in two ways, in line with custom-content or inside dashboard.customWidgets, and referenced in the custom.

The custom widgets are widgets that are defined by the developer. The widget will be rendered with the following props object, which has all the information the widget might need:

WidgetProps: {
  api: AdaptableApi;

  // Information about the dashboard section (all widget, size)
  section: DashboardSection;

  // Where the dashboard is located (top, bottom, left, right)
  sectionPosition: DashboardPosition;

  // Where in the dashboard is the widget located
  // 'dashboard-drawer' | 'dashboard-bar'
  location: WidgetLocation;
  orientation: "vertical" | "horizontal";

// Inline widget

widgets = [{
  id: 'custom-content-1',
  type: 'custom-content',
  value: (widgetProps) => <>ANY VALID JSX <CustomComponent /></>,

// Custom widget and reference

dashboard.customWidgets = {
 customWidget: (widgetProps) => <b>Custom Widget Content</b>
widgets = [{
  id: 'custom-reference-widget',
  type: 'custom',
  value: 'customWidget', // key from customWidgets (see above)

Using the Dashboard UI


Custom content can be moved from section to section in a location but cannot be removed from the location (or placed in other locations) The info Widget simply displays custom text that was provided.



The Widget renders the text horizontally or vertically depending on which location it was placed

  id: "info",
  type: "info",
  value: "Custom Text"