useAdaptableStateSubscribe hook

This hook allows you to subscribe to state changes.

For retrieving the state, use useAdaptableState.

Listening to view change event
import { useAdaptableStateSubscribe } from '@adaptabletools/adaptable-infinite-react';

function CustomCmp() {
    selector: (state) => state.view.currentViewId,
    callback: (viewId, oldViewId) => {
      console.log('view changed', viewId);

  return <div>...</div>;

The hook should be called with an object that expects the following properties

  • selector - (state: AdaptableState) => any - this function is called with the current Adaptable state and should return the part of the state that you're interested in.
  • callback - (value, oldValue) => void - this function is called whenever the value returned by the selector function changes. It's called with the new value and the old value.