Installing AdapTable for Infinite Table

AdapTable for Infinite Table is available from the public npm registry. To get the AdapTable package run the install command:

npm i @adaptabletools/adaptable-infinite-react

After this, you're ready to import the CSS and configure AdapTable in your app, as shown below.


AdapTable requires a license before you can deploy your app to production. See our Licensing Guide for more details.

When installing AdapTable, you don't need to install Infinite Table separately. AdapTable for Infinite Table includes the Infinite Table package as a dependency. Also, you don't need a separate license for Infinite Table, as the AdapTable license covers it.

Developer Guide

Configuring the AdapTable License

import { Adaptable } from '@adaptabletools/adaptable-infinite-react';

// you'll find more details on configuring Adaptable on the next page
<Adaptable.Provider {...props}>
  <h1>hello world</h1>
  <Adaptable.UI />
Import Adaptable

You need use the Adaptable named import.

That's the entry point for using Adaptable, and you'll render Adaptable.Provider and Adaptable.UI from it.

  // other props here ...
  licenseKey={'Your Licence Key Here'}
  <Adaptable.UI />
Set the AdapTable Licence

This is done via the licenseKey property in the AdaptableInfinite component


  • Don't forget to import the Adaptable CSS in your app
  • You can do it in code, if this is how you're managing your styles:
import '@adaptabletools/adaptable-infinite-react/index.css';

Rendering AdapTable

The next step is to render AdapTable.

Please follow our Integration Page guide to learn how to render AdapTable in your application.