Getting Started - The Key Questions

What is AdapTable for Infinite Table?

AdapTable for Infinite Table is a sophisticated low-code extension to Infinite Table for React.


  • AdapTable Tools also offers a parallel product, AdapTable for AG Grid which extends AG Grid

AdapTable complements, integrates with - and extends - Infinite Table.

It provides, out of the box, the cutting-edge data-related functionality that advanced Infinite Table users require and expect.


  • The functionality provided by AdapTable would otherwise need to be developed in a completely bespoke and unique fashion
  • And would need to be provided for each and every application hosting an Infinite Table instance.
A very basic example to get you started with AdapTable
  • This example shows a table with data about JavaScript frameworks
  • Use the dropdown to select one of the available views: Table View or the Grouped View

Why Should I Use It?

Using AdapTable provides a number of important benefits including:

  • provides a rich feature set: AdapTable's rich functionality covers LOTS of use cases
  • saves development time and budget: typically replaces 3 developers for 6 months on a standard project
  • enables a business focus: AdapTable takes care of the UI, freeing up devs to write critical business logic
  • enables application standardisation: all systems will share a common look & feel and identical workflows
  • future proofs systems: Release Schedule supports new Infinite Table versions, providing post-Go Live support

How Does It Work?

AdapTable integrates with, and extends, Infinite Table.

It provides a set of complementary features to Infinite Table designed to meet the more advanced use cases.


AdapTable provides full support for key Infinite Table functionality including Grouping, Aggregations, Pivoting, Editing, Theming and more.


You do not need a separate Infinite Table licence as the AdapTable licence will cover both products

Where does it Run?

AdapTable is guaranteed to work in Chromium browsers (e.g. Chrome, Edge, Opera etc.)


We aim, but do not guarantee, to keep AdapTable compatible with other leading browsers like Firefox and Safari.


Adaptable does not support Internet Explorer.

AdapTable also works inside Electron and other Chromium-based frameworks.

AdapTable is fully compatible with OpenFin, Finsemble and Glue42 (and includes extra, bespoke functionality when running in either of those containers).

How does it Work with Infinite Table

AdapTable extends Infinite Table.

This means AdapTable doesn't hide Infinite Table in any way.

Everything available in Infinite Table works fully in AdapTable, and developers still have full access to the full Infinite Table Api and can code against it just as if AdapTable was not being used.


  • AdapTable will typically add extra features to Infinite Table functionality (e.g. for Master Detail or Row Grouping)
  • But sometimes (as in Tree Data) AdapTable merely supports what Infinite Table provides

AdapTable always supports the most recent major version of Infinite Table.

Find Out More

See Releases for a table showing which Infinite Table versions are supported in each AdapTable version

Does it have a Server Component?

No, AdapTable runs purely in your client and has no server. However it does contain a number of features that help you perform searching and filtering on the server rather than client.

How is it Supported?

The best way to access AdapTable Support is by logging a message at our Zendesk Helpdesk.

Find Out More

See the Support Guide for full instructions on how to raise tickets and provide examples

When is it Updated?

AdapTable Tools regularly release new versions containing enhancements, new features and bug fixes.

There are a guaranteed minimum of 4 releases a year, but in reality there are many more.

What is it Written In?

AdapTable is written in TypeScript (version 5.2.0) and React.


  • You do not need to use TypeScript to access AdapTable


  • The current minimum required version of React is 18.0.0
  • Please avoid using other imports / libraries which require a lower version of React than this

Are there other AdapTable Products?

AdapTable for AG Grid provides a similar extension to the market-leading AG Grid Data Grid.