Licensing AdapTable for Infinite Table


  • AdapTable for Infinite Table requires a commercial licence from Adaptable Tools. This comes in 2 flavours
    • Single Application Licence
    • Multiple Application Licence
  • An Application can be either:
    • a bespoke software product delivered for internal use
    • integrated into software to be released to the market for onward sale
  • AdapTable provides 3 other types of Licence:
    • Start-up Licence designed for young businesses setting out on the road to growth
    • Free Trial Licence lasting 30 days is available to enable POCs using AdapTable
    • Integration Licence when longer trial periods are required

All AdapTable licences are annual and are typically set for an initial 3 year period.

There is scope to renew the licence for any time period.


  • If the licence is not renewed AdapTable will continue to work fully and no functionality is removed
  • However an expired Licence removes eligibility to receive any future AdapTable updates

An AdapTable Licence includes:

  • Full access to Infinite Table for React


  • No separate license for Infinite Table for React is required
  • An AdapTable for Infinite Table licence covers both products
  • Full access to all Adaptable functionality

  • Comprehensive and ongoing support from the AdapTable team - by phone, email and Zendesk.

  • Regular (minimum quarterly) updates, including the roll-out of additional features as requested by users

  • Access to all 3rd party libraries used by AdapTable

  • Access to AdapTable private Github repo - upon request - to see source code and provide pull requests

License Key

Each client is given a unique License Key that provides full access to all functionality in AdapTable.


Information provided in the license key includes:

  • start date and end date
  • name of the company awarded the license
  • the name of the licensed application (if using a Single Application License)

This key should be supplied when instantiating AdapTable by using the licenceKey property.


  • If the license key is not present, AdapTable will display a watermark and run with reduced functionality

Development Licences

It is free for developers to use AdapTable, or to evaluate it by building a Proof of Concept (POC).

Trial Licence

Our free limited-period Trial Licence is designed to allow you to:

  • evaluate AdapTable using your own data
  • try out AdapTable in your own environment
  • build a full Proof of Concept (POC) using AdapTable

There are no restrictions on functionality and you can see it working in your own data environment.


  • This licence cannot be used to build commercial or enterprise software
  • At the expiry of the trial period, AdapTable can no longer be installed or updated

Once you have concluded a successful test of AdapTable, and longer-term licensing arrangements are in place, you may request an extension of your free trial licence for another month in order to integrate Adaptable into your new Application.

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Integration Licence

An Integration Licence is required for longer integration periods than that provided by a trial licence.

This allows for a more extended development stage, with support from the AdapTable team through that time.

When required, a commercial licence is agreed, usually for 6 months initially, extendable on a monthly basis.


  • Integration Licences grant full access to Support during the Integration period
  • This includes making new functionality requests, based on your requirements, which will be added to AdapTable

It also provides full access to any new versions of AdapTable that are released during the Integration period.

If you purchase an Integration Licence we guarantee to honour any pricing quotation for longer term licensing made at the outset, even if our prices change in the interim.

Application Licences

Commercial AdapTable Licences are Application based.

We have 2 different Application Licence models and we will work with you to identify the one that is most appropriate for your needs.


  • Neither of the licensing models requires you to audit the number of end-users you have


  • It is also possible to upgrade from Single to Muliple Application Licence as your usage requirements grow

Single Application Licence

This option allows AdapTable to be integrated into a single application. It can be used in 2 ways:

  • by members of the organisation licensing AdapTable
  • sold freely on the open market by the organisation licensing AdapTable

AdapTable offers a flat price, per application, reflecting intended scope,


The price does not change even if the number of end users changes (as we hope they will)


If a decision is taken to integrate AdapTable across more than one application, further Single Application licences (or a Multiple Application Licence) will be needed

Multiple Application Licence

This licence allows for complete flexibility and is suitable when using AdapTable across multiple applications.

It has no restrictions and pricing is determined by overall scale of use.

A Multiple Application Licence allows AdapTable to be used:

  • in unlimited applications
  • with unlimited users
  • across unlimited teams
  • within an unlimied product range

Start-Up Licence

This Licence is designed to support start-ups and young businesses on their path to growth.

It offers a 3 year deal at a heavily discounted price.

A Start-up is defined as:

  • Business in existence for 5 years or less
  • Annual revenues under £500,000

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For more information on licencing and pricing please contact


Do we need a licence to do a Trial? Yes, there is no charge for a 30 day trial licence but you do need to get in touch to receive a licenceKey needed to access AdapTable's rich functionality. Once you successfully complete your Trial, you can migrate to the licence type most appropriate for your requirements.

What happens if it will take us many months to build an Application following our Trial? We allow an additional month, following a successful POC, for continued use of the Trial Licence in your development until you are ready to go live, so long as longer term licensing arrangements are in place. If you require a longer development period than that, you will need to purchase an Integration Licence - this allows you to access support and product updates during your development phase.

How much do licences cost? The cost of a licence depends on the number of applications in which you plan to use it, and the overall scale of use. We also offer a Multiple Application Licence giving unlimited usage which can be more appropriate in some situations.

We are a software company so we don't know how many end users we will have. Is there a model that works for us?. Yes: You can take a licence per application in which you wish to use AdapTable, or you can take advantage of our Multiple Application Licence. In this scenario, we set a fixed annual price that allows for unlimited usage (and unlimited users).

How long does a licence last? A licence lasts for 1 year from when it is signed. It is also possible to agree a multi-year licence and/or pricing formula where there is a desire for greater certainty and a majority of our current clients prefer this option. At the end of the licence period, if you choose not to renew, AdapTable will continue to work without interruption, but you will no longer be eligible for updates or Support.

Does a licence include access to newer versions and improvements in functionality? Yes, we guarantee a minimum of 4 quarterly updates a year which continue to expand the functionality available. These are available to all licence holders, and licence holders are also able to discuss with us additional functionality that they would like to see in AdapTable. We take this into account in our process of product development.

Does a licence include Support? And if so, how much? We provide Support through Zendesk, and aim to respond to all queries within 12 hours.

What happens when Infinite Table releases a new version? Does the licence cover that? We guarantee to support any major new version of Infinite Table within 60 days of its release (but in practice, far sooner). We try to ensure backward compatibility but obviously if there are breaking changes then we will support only the newest version.

Does the AdapTable licence include one for Infinite Table also? Yes it does; only one licence is required to use both products.

Can we get a copy of the source code? Yes, that is something we are happy to make available on a case by case basis. Please contact us for more details.